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Highlands Town


New town made by Ben Yan. New townscreen.




FF Team, mod : Ben Yan



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Highlands Town


Name Image Anim Level Attack Defense Damage Speed HitPoints Growth AiValue
Defender 1 2 5 1 - 3 4 8 14 99
Mountain Guard 1 4 7 1 - 3 5 10 14 115
Javeliner 2 6 5 2 - 4 5 15 9 211
Harpooner 2 8 6 3 - 4 6 16 9 251
Brute 3 9 6 4 - 5 7 20 7 299
Berserker 3 10 5 4 - 6 8 25 7 463
Snow Falcon 4 10 8 6 - 10 9 30 4 532
Blizzard Falcon 4 11 9 8 - 12 12 40 4 778
Gladiator 5 13 12 12 - 14 6 50 3 891
Flame Gladiator 5 14 14 12 - 14 7 60 3 1523
Thane 6 15 16 16 - 20 8 90 2 1974
Patriarch 6 16 18 18 - 24 10 100 2 2033
Fire Dragon 7 16 18 25 - 40 5 175 1 3716
Magma Dragon 7 18 22 30 - 45 7 250 1 5937
Amazon 7 19 20 30 - 40 7 160 1 6216
Valkyrie 7 24 24 40 - 60 11 200 1 9213
Runemage 0 5 5 6 - 12 4 40 9 156
Armored Cannon 6 15 20 10 - 16 0 300 0 4500




Name Description Schools Image
Barbarity earth
Mark of Fire {Mark of Fire}

Double Fire damages.


Name Description Slot Image
Armored Cannon {Armored Cannon}

Armored Cannon can attack enemy's troop by using fireball.


Name Biography Gender Image Specialty
Daive Daive used to be the loyal advocate for Gelu the elf king. He had been a dwarf leader in Avlee for many years. However, since he learned the madness of Gelu from his friend Ufretin, the leader did not decide to fight for him anymore. He started to back home and fight for his own people. male Defenders
Richmond Richmond supposes he would be the hermit in the snow mountain. Only cold weather will make him comfortable. Thus he tamed many falcons as his companions. However, sometimes he will be found in a little pub, maybe the lonely dwarf is also eager to a warm atmosphere. male Falcons
Harrigan As the leader of 'Hunter Alliance', Harrigan often goes hunting with his group members, and gives out his harvests to the poor. In his view, hunting is not for food, but for improving his skills. He believes his talent can be used into battlefields. male Javeliners
Austin Austin is interested in the research of ballista. He likes learning the mechnical principles and use it into practice. That makes him skilled in artillery. male Ballista
Prince Hogg Prince Hogg claims that he will be the true (and only) successor of the throne. Although his brother Rudolf surpasses him a lot in many aspects, he still believes only him can be the real dwarf king in the future. After he created the loyal troops for himself, it is the time to realize his ambition! male +350 Gold
Gestalt All individuals suppose Gestalt is the insane for battle. As a mercenary, even the lords in Niggon know the madness of him. He has no opinion of justice, only battle can bring fun for him. male Brutes
Aaron Aaron claims he is a philosopher, but many people do not recognize him. Because this dwarf never relates himself with philosophy. However, he still suppose that no one found his 'true' wisdom. male Learning
Craig Hill Craig Hill used to be a fighter in Krewlod. After experienced a long period sojourn, he became increasingly like a barbarian. Although he has already backed home, he cannot find the original feeling as a dwarf. male Gladiators
Aidan Aidan fell in love with a human in the past, but she was not accepted to marry him in her hometown. Thus, she eloped with her love. However, when she learned they are also not accepted by human community, she had to give up and never believe 'love' any longer. female Sorcery
Barbara Since her request for dancing was rejected in a party, Barbara started to know the inherent gap between human and dwarves. She desperated to integrate with human but finally she found it is impossible. Thus, she had to anchor her hope on magic, and then became a sorceress. female Intelligence
Cynthia Cynthia believes that she should be a fairy, instead of a dwarf. Before she backed to her hometown, she had lived in Avlee with sprites for a long time. Everyone who know her suppose that she looks like a true fairy, except without a pair of wings. female Ice Bolt
Astride Astride (former name is Astra) was a sorceress in Enroth, she came to Vori simply because of the myterious covenant between sorceresses and dwarves. Although the covenant had became invalid recent years, she is still not willing to leave here. Maybe she is attracted by fire magic. female Fire Ball
Mildura As an assistant for Sanya the cleric, Mildura spent her early years in a monastery in Erathia. She found her behavior is totally different from other dwarves when she back home. However, she never give up to humanize the people in her hometown, by using the truth she had learned previously. female +1 Crystal
Renee Renee doesn't like the lifestyle of dwarves, but she has to choose Vori as her refuge. Someone indicated she is a betrayed necromancer. Almost everyone know the truth of her even though she never admits her history. female Mysticism
Melisa Melisa claims that she was the only surviour of a catastrophe. She used to experience a deadly volcanic eruption in Kreegan when she was young. After that, she started to learn fire magic, and hope she can make the devastation once again, by using her own ability. female Fire Shield
Leslie Leslie married a dwarf prince and then become the nobility in Vori. However, she never feels pride for that. She never condescends herself to others while meeting with civillians. female Logistics